Nutrisoil for foliar spray is a fantastic organic product made from 100% natural plant& sprout extract. This plant & sprout extract was used very effectively for about one hundred years before chemical pesticides were introduced. Since chemical pesticides tend to leave residue in our food supply and poison the heck out of mammals, bees, fish, and any wildlife they come in contact with, plant & sprout extract is back in fashion in agricultural circles as it does not contain any toxic chemical. Trials have been taken by universities on crops and the results obtained are amazing. The material is good for all types of soils and crops.
Plant & Sprout Extract, 100% natural freshwater Siliceous fossils., Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Manganese, Iron, Iodine, Copper, Zinc, Cobalt, Sulphur, Potassium, Sodium, Selenium, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Vitamin D3 Niacin, Vitamin E, Nicotinamide, Proteins, Carbohydrates, Live Yeast Culture, MHA (Methyl Hydroxy Analogue) compound, By-Pass Proteins, By-Pass Fats, Non-Protein Nitrogen Source for Soil Organism, Energy in Kcal.

How it works:
Nutri soil makes a very effective natural product to prevent insects and fungal diseases and also organic fertilizer. This quality of Nutri soil is due to cation exchange capacity, high absorption and the razor-sharp edges of the Siliceous Fossils remains. When Nutri soil is applied on crops then due to its cation exchange capacity it helps the speedy supply of other nutrients to crops and plants and when it comes in contact with the insects, the sharp edges lacerate the bug’s waxy exoskeleton and then the plant& sprout extract absorbs the body fluids causing death from dehydration. Said more simply, Nutri soil kills insects by drying them up. You'll see how drying Nutri soils is if you handle it with bare hands and this is because of high absorption power.
It will increase photosynthesis and will make crops look greener. When nutrient levels are measured in the plant after application and compared to the control crop then Nitrogen, potassium, iron, phosphorus, and other elements level will be more in the crop grown with active silicon application. Within 7-10 days crop will appear greener in the applied area and results will be visible. There will be an increase in yield by 10-12 % in Grains, Total weight of straw, and biological yield.
• It increases Nutrition values in soil.• It Reduces attacks on Aphids, Jassids, Thrips, Fruit borer, Whitefly, Mites, etc.
• It reduces the attack of Leaf blight, Downy mildew, Powdery mildew.
• It prevents Flower and fruit drops. It gives color &luster to crop & reduces lodging.
• It helps in improving the availability of Phosphorus & reduces leaching of Nitrogen & Potash.
• It reduces evapotranspiration losses.
• It helps in photosynthesis & increases Leaf size.
• It reduces the toxic effects of chemicals used. It helps in healing the wounds caused after the cutting or pruning.
• It helps in the production of proteins like Leucine, Isoleucine & Lysine.
• It helps in minimizing Biotic & Abiotic stresses.
• It helps prevent and cure fungal diseases.
• It helps in fast nutrient uptake.
For Agriculture crops, vegetables plants & Trees For agriculture crops mix 5-6gms material in water and spray with a sprayer on crops. 250liter water will cover 1 acre. The application is to be repeated every 10-12 days or on each stage. For drip irrigation mix 8gms perlite in the tank. Application is 2 kgs per acre.
Way to Use Nutri soil
For those which are not replanted: (Crops having harvesting period of 60 days or less.)Mix 2 Kg of Nutri soil with around 40-45 kgs of soil from the same farmyard/ wormy compost/ compost/ cow dung and prepare a mixture for 1 acre of land. Use this mixture at the time of sowing the seeds. Then again, after a gap of 30 days, put the remaining 2 kg of Nutrisoil with around 40-45 kgs of soil from the same farmyard/ vermicompost/ compost/ cow dung and use the prepared mixture. If the harvesting period is, less than 40 days put the remaining 2 kg of Nutrisoil after a gap of 20 days.
For those which are replanted after initial growth: (Crops having harvesting more than 90 days and above.)Mix 2 kgs of Nutri soil with around 40-45 kgs of soil from the same farmyard/ wormy compost/ compost/ cow dung and prepare a mixture for 1 acre of land. Use this mixture on the 21st from the day of sowing the seeds. Then again, after a gap of 30 days, put the remaining 2 kgs of Nutri soil with around 40-45 kgs of soil from the same farmyard/ wormy compost/ compost/ cow dung and use the prepared mixture.
For Grapes:Put 5gms of Nutri soil that each drip point once a month. (Mix 1 kg of Nutri soil with 25 kgs of wormy compost/ cow dung/ organic compost properly)
For Coconut & Beetle Nut:Put 50gms of Nutrisoil at the base of the plant once a month. (Mix 50gms of Nutri soil with 500gms of wormy compost/ cow dung/ organic compost properly & divide them into two equal parts & put them in East & West pots made along the circumference of the tree).
For Watermelon, Sweet Melons & Other creepers:Mix 2 kgs of Nutri soil with around 40-45 kgs of soil from the same farmyard/ wormy compost/ compost/ cow dung and prepare a mixture for 1 acre of land. Use this mixture at the time of sowing the seeds. Then again, after a gap of 30 days, but the remaining 2 kgs of Nutri soil with around 40-45 kgs of soil from the same farmyard/ wormy compost/ compost/ cow dung and use the prepared mixture. If the harvesting period is, less than 40 days put the remaining 2 kg of Nutri soil after a gap of 20 days.
Way to use Nutrisoil with other Horticultural plants:
• 0 month – 1-year plant use 25gms / month (Mix 25gms of Nutrisoil with 100gms of wormy compost/ cow dung/ organic compost properly & divide them into two equal parts & put them in East &s; West pots made along the circumference of the tree).• 1 year – 5-year tree use 35gms / month (Mix 35gms of Nutrisoil with 150gms of wormy compost/ cow dung/ organic compost properly & divide them into two equal parts & put them in East &s; West pots made along the circumference of the tree).
• 5 years & above trees& above 5gms/ month (Mix 50gms of Nutrisoil with 250 kgs of wormy compost/ cow dung/ organic compost properly & divide them into two equal parts & put them in East & West pots made along the circumference of the tree).
Way to use Novasoil with Floricultural plants:
• For very small size plant use, 5gms/ month (Mix 5gms of Nutrisoil with 50gms of wormy compost/ cow dung/ organic compost properly & put them along the circumference of the plant).• For small size plant, use 10gms / month (Mix 10gms of Nutrisoil with 75gms of wormy compost/ cow dung/ organic compost properly & put them along the circumference of the plant).
• For big size plants, use 15gms / month (Mix 15gms of Nutrisoil with 100gms of wormy compost/ cow dung/ organic compost properly & put them along the circumference of the tree).