

There is a desperate requirement for insurance, which ought to be given to each farmer. On various events, our farmers are unsecured against the natural calamities or damage caused by the wild animal. This results in further detrimental to the fertility of the crop. Hence, they need crop insurance and moreover, they need creature insurance as well. By having insurance, the farmers have various alternatives to get composts to achieve compelling crop yields.


• Help align a risk management strategy
• Support farmers in decision-making for a successful future Encourage farmers to fully utilize the novel technologies
• Wiping out the issue of non-accessibility of value feed to the animal component linked
• Aid in conditions of crop failure in an irregular year
• Improving grading, processing, storing, transporting and financing the product
• Considerably more secure salary can be acquired Can be used to regenerate degraded areas Provision of healthy food for the animals grown with commercial fertilizers.
• Reduction of the need for purchased inputs.

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