Slow-release fertilizers are sold as dry granules and work by releasing small quantities of nutrients each time a plant is watered. This type can be shaken onto the soil. Slow-release fertilizers can last in soil from a few months to several years, which is one reason why these types are becoming more popular and are much easier to maintain. Slow-release formulas become activated by water so they work best underground where it stays damp or under mulching.
They release their nutrients slowly and giving you long-lasting, healthy results. A granulated fertilizer mixture contains any two or more plant nutrients mixed in a granular form or is granulated after mixing individuals components. The granulation of fertilizer offers a well-defined grain size distribution nutrient content and good application properties. Granular fertilizers delay the nutrient delivery to the plants until the granules disintegrate completely and thus ensure nutrients supply to the plant over a long period.

Modern farming practices have stripped the soil of its humus and no replacements have been used. Humic substances have not been appreciated and as a result not addressed in fertilizing practices. Today, our soils are low on these humic substances and as a result, animals and men are not receiving adequate amounts in their normal diet. Research has indicated that when soil humus percentages fall below 2%, the soil cannot provide sufficient quantities of humic materials into the crops grown for the amounts needed by the living organism. The net result is the loss of soil fertility decreasing the quantity and quality of agricultural produce. With the help of continuous research & experimentation, we have come out with organic manure in the name of .-OREA.
They release their nutrients slowly and give you long-lasting, healthy results. A granulated fertilizer mixture contains any two or more plant nutrients mixed in a granular form or is granulated after mixing individual components. The granulation of fertilizer offers a well-defined grain size distribution nutrient content and good application properties. Granular fertilizers delay the nutrient delivery to the plants until the granules disintegrate completely and thus ensure nutrients supply to the plant over a long period.
Modern farming practices have stripped the soil of its humus and no replacements have been used. Humic substances have not been appreciated and as a result not addressed in fertilizing practices. Today, our soils are low on these humic substances and as a result, animals and men are not receiving adequate amounts in their normal diet. Research has indicated that when soil humus percentages fall below 2%, the soil cannot provide sufficient quantities of humic materials into the crops grown for the amounts needed by the living organism. The net result is the loss of soil fertility decreasing the quantity and quality of agricultural produce. With the help of continuous research & experimentation, we have come out with organic manure in the name of .-OREA.
Our “.-OREA" is mainly available in granule form which is used as a plant growth stimulant. It contains a unique blend of Humic Acid, Amino Acid, Fulvic Acid, marine protein, seaweed, silicon, and botanical nutrients to get maximum crop production. Humic acid which develops white roots, fulvic acid which shows growth and greenery in plants, amino acid helps in more flowering and fruiting. Considering this, we use high-quality roasted black bentonite granules as a carrier. .-EFFECTER is used to increase the quality of soil, to improve crop growth, yield & it works individually or could be mixed and applied with conventional fertilizers.
EFFECTER is reported to increase the permeability of plant membranes resulting in higher metabolic activity due to increased nutrient availability and enzyme activity. .-EFFECTER releases the nutrients, auxins to the plant over more than 2 months due to its slow release phenomenon. It is a granular organic fertilizer that has natural minerals, it is a biostimulant that prevents fungal root infections, and is free from heavy metals. Humic Acid is obtained from organic matter which is rich in organized substances and minerals, which are essential for plant growth. We offer this granulated plant growth stimulant as per the market leading rates to the clients. We are among the trusted manufacturers, suppliers of granulated plant growth stimulants.
Uniqueness / Benefits
• This is a slow-release product, hence they are active for a longer time in soil.• Improves quality of the crop produce depends largely on the efficiency of the root system which absorbs food material from the soil.
• It is rich in vitamins, micro-nutrients, and hormones.
• It increases the growth of healthy white roots and uptake necessary nutrients and reduce premature flowers and fruit dropping.
• It increases photosynthesis activity of plants & productivity of the soil.
• It Increases ' P', & other nutrients uptake.
• Improve soil condition it solubilized insoluble nutrients of the soil.
• Development rate of maturity, yield, Luster & keeping quality of fruit & vegetable.
• Help plant to endure environmental stresses & to resistance & disease.
• It holds nutrients in the root zone and does not lose to leaching.
• Gladiator Triple shakti is best for all crops.
• It is eco-friendly, non-toxic, and bio-degradable.
• It increases yield by 20-25%.
• It is composed of microbially delivered protein hydrolysis having enzymes, vitamins, organic acid precursors which are responsible for enhancing plant growth.
• It enhances the fertility of the soil, as it helps in increasing humus in the soil.
Different Crop Wise Benefit
SUGARCANE:• It increases the number of shoots (tillers) and helps to keep healthy and strong growth of stalk.
• It increases the height and width of the internodes of a sugarcane crop.
• It increases the weight (tonnage), Brix (sugar) level of the sugarcane crop.
• It helps to keep the leaves healthy, green, thicker, and increase the plant height.
• It Increases the Number of roots, length of the plant, Number of tillers, branches, flowers, fruits & fruit size.
• It increases the Bulb size of Onion/Garlic and Tuber size of Potato also it maintains the uniform size of the same.
• It increases length, width of internodes & number of tubers.
• It increases size & weight of rhizomes.
• Its foliage will be greener and thicker
• Plants are healthier with profuse rooting.
• The vigorous growth of Seedlings
• It increases the height & number of beans per plant
• For better and early establishment of lawn.
• Grass spreading is faster having more runners.
• Healthy and fast growth of grass.
• Better root zone with dense.
• It increases the number of shoots.
• It increases the branches, flowers and fruits.
• It maintains the leaves green and thick.
• It increases resistance power of the plant.
Application procedure:
• 1st application at 4-5 leaf stage after germination or pruning• 2nd and 3rd application 7 days after 1st application.
• 4th application at flowering stage.
• 5th application at the fruit maturity stage.
• Potassium Humate: 06%
• Seaweed Extract: 05%
• Amino acid: 03%
• Organic Mineral Granule: 83%
• Moisture: 03%
• Total: 100%
Dosages of OREA:
Apply 5-10 Kg / acreAvailability:
OREA comes in black granular form. It contains carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and micro-nutrients such as magnesium, manganese, sulfur, ferrous and boron is available in 5 Kg, 10 Kg, and 30 kg packages.